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Join us for Worship and Study

We are worshiping at 9:30 am Sundays.

Our worship services are in-person and live streamed both on our worship services livestream page and on our Facebook page.

Download the bulletin to follow along:

Sunday, October 13 or Sunday, October 20

Join us for Fellowship and Service
See our weekly updates for news of potlucks, special events, and invitations to serve others.

We gather by the power of the Holy Spirit to hear and proclaim the word of God through scripture reading, preaching, and song, and to receive the gracious gifts of forgiveness and life from God through the sacraments of baptism and communion. Our worship style is traditional liturgy, with a blend of old familiar hymns and newer songs. Worship strengthens us to be and serve God’s people in our neighborhood and in the world.

Public health - We invite all to worship with us either in person or online, as you feel most comfortable.  We expect that those who are unvaccinated will mask, as will those who have fragile health, need to protect family members with fragile health, and those who have traveled or been potentially exposed recently.  We encourage all to keep distance between household groups, and to wash hands or sanitize hands regularly while in our facility.

Childcare -
Children are welcomed and encouraged to learn how we worship God. There is a Children’s Message to include them in learning about Jesus. We understand that some children prefer to be highly active at times, so a staffed nursery is available for children five and under during most Sunday and major holiday services.

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