Did you see us on the news?
A new ministry, In Our Backyard, is growing here at Central. The idea is to house five to ten seniors in tiny homes on our church property. The selected individuals or couples will be those who meet occupant criteria and are awaiting permanent housing solutions. The big plan is to then replicate this ministry at multiple locations across
Anchorage. See the news story at https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2024/06/07/anchorage-church-plans-welcome-homeless-seniors-tiny-houses/?tbref=hp or https://www.youralaskalink.com/news/anchorage-church-plans-to-build-tiny-homes-for-homeless-seniors/article_3cb54afc-3271-11ef-ada9-939a9f686f17.html and learn a lot more at the In Our Backyard website.
Upcoming Events
Our worship and study schedule:
† Join us in-person or via our livestream for 9:30 am Sunday worship services.
The Anchorage Farmers Market is open Saturdays, May 11 through October 12, 2024. Join us Saturdays during the summer and early fall, 9 am to 2 pm, for fresh produce, herbs, plant-based foods, locally baked breads and fermented foods, plant starts, hanging baskets, fabulous flowers, and more.
Coming up:
† Third Saturdays of the month (August 17, September 21, October 19) our Foot and Wound Clinic is open 11 am - 2 pm, Helping Hands Clothing Closet is open 1- 3 pm, Listening Post is open 1 - 3 pm, and Eddie hosts his AA monthly dinner
† The Service of Installation for ELCA Alaska Bishop Tim Oslovich will be here at Central Lutheran at 3 pm on Saturday, August 24
Wanted: donations of shelf-stable foods like pre-packaged trail mix, granola bars, dried fruits, meal bars, jerky, packets of tuna, canned meats and bottled water for the church office to have on hand for hungry neighbors. It’s a blessing to be able to offer two or three items to a hungry person along with the directions to the Food Pantry. Also welcome, donations of canned and boxed foods that we can pass on to the Lutheran Social Services of Alaska Food Pantry.
THANK YOU to our many Central members who donate funds or portions of the meal to our monthly evening meal for the women and children at Clare House. Each fourth Thursday, including Thanksgiving, we deliver a complete meal with milk, main and side dishes, fruit and dessert.
Local Organizing Ministry: Want to make a difference in your community? Along with Anchorage Faith & Action Congregations Together AFACT, Central folks listen to our congregation and Fairview neighbors, builds relationships, and develops leaders. Through these relationships, we identify issues and work to effect change in ourselves and in the public sphere. We meet every other Tuesday and the current focus is to get to know our Fairview neighbors and our homeless neighbors and see how we can grow relationships with them. Our recent focus is the Fairview Recreation Center, specifically adequate staffing and open hours to support the neighborhood residents in having a safe place to play, learn and grow.
Central Seniors/Golden Opportunities: Wednesday coffee klatsches are again being held in person with 8:30 am gatherings at Kaladi Brothers Coffee on Brayton Drive.
Our Helping Hands Clothing Closet is open seven or eight days monthly and is staffed by volunteers from Central Lutheran Church and Christ Church Episcopal. We’d welcome your donation of new or used shoes/boots, clothing, cold-weather gear, blankets, sleeping bags, back packs and GLOVES. Bring donated items (clean and ready to give away) on Sundays around worship service times, during Closet hours, or during office hours.
The closet is open 1 - 3 pm on the following dates:
Tuesdays (almost all Tuesdays) 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29;
Thursdays (third Thursdays of the month) 8/15, 9/19, 10/17;
Saturdays (third Saturdays of the month) 8/17, 9/21, 10/19.
The Lutheran Social Services of Alaska (LSSA) Food Pantry welcomes your donation of canned meats, chili, soup, canned fruit, dried potato mixes, tuna and peanut butter, and more, and your donation of time if you're able to help prepare food boxes for clients.
Stay in Touch with Central Lutheran
Email Updates: Keep up with the latest news by to the office to be added to our email list.
Note: Your email will not be sold, shared, or used for any marketing purposes other than Central’s events and notices.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/centluth