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1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage, AK 99501



Worship with us SUNDAYS at 2 pm

and Good Friday, March 30, at 7 pm




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In the late 1800's, exploration, resources, and mission drew many Euro Americans to Alaska. Lutheran pastors established mission posts on Inupiaq land (now) known as the Seward Peninsula. The indigenous people often aided and welcomed the Lutheran newcomers. Several Inupiaq leaders even joined the church. They noted that many Lutheran beliefs mirrored the values already present in the deeply-spiritual Inupiaq culture. The work of Jesus and the certainty of heaven were new beliefs that were soon adopted.


Due to dramatic changes brought by the influx of Euro Americans (the gold miners, the traders, the speculators as well as missionaries, teachers, and doctors) Inupiaq families were increasingly compelled to leave their home villages. By mid-1900's, several families had relocated in Anchorage. Some Inupiat were among the early members of Central Lutheran church.


As still more Alaska Native families moved to Anchorage, the Native and non-Native members of Central Lutheran formed the Native Outreach Ministry. In time, this ministry evolved into Lutheran Social Services.


However, there remained a need for a worship and community setting that incorporated the distinctive and meaningful elements of Inupiaq Lutheranism. In response to this need, Alaska Native Lutheran Church (ANLC) was formed. Housed in Central Lutheran Church, ANLC strives to nurture the spiritual and communal well-being of all Alaska Natives (and friends) living in Anchorage.


ANLC honors the wisdom and practices of Inupiaq Lutherans in previous generations. ANLC remains affiliated with the Lutheran churches in Nome, Brevig, Teller, Wales and Shishmaref. Collectively, the six churches are called the Seward Peninsula Lutheran Ministries (SPLM).

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